
Take Home from the Singles' Getaway

Due to insistent public demand and a personal desire to review my notes from the Singles' Getaway, here are some of my main takeaway lessons. The sessions were about what singles like, want and need, but my notes are divided into different categories. Hope you learn something new or are reminded of something you need to hear today!

On Loving God 
  • Instead of serving Jesus, why do we ask Him to serve us? We should serve God and His purpose! 
  • Chase the things of God. You never know where it will lead you.
  • Before doing something, try asking if it's a good idea or a GOD idea.
  • Jesus is looking for followers, not fans.
  • Relationships will fail me. I will always need God, and He will lead me to a place where I will not be in want.
  • Do whatever it takes to grow in your walk with God.
  • My heavenly Father has my back and He wants what's best for me.
  • I am not the hero of my own story. That is a recipe for disaster. When our lives are centered around us, we will miss God. 
  • Everything - Jesus = Nothing BUT Jesus + Nothing = Everything 
  • The thrill of my life is not getting a husband. There's more to life than that. Don't take Jesus out of your life midway. 
  • "Our hearts are restless until we rest in Christ." - St. Augustine 
  • I can't live a day apart from the grace of God. The same grace that saved me sustains me every day.
  • My sufficiency is found in Christ alone. Pride says we need to add something to Jesus, but let's not be foolish. 
  • Daily Christian living is daily Christian dying. 
  • The goal of the Bible is not to make bad people good. It makes dead people live. 
  • I'm only qualified for the gospel because I'm disqualified. If I think I'm qualified, that disqualifies me. 
  • Jesus holds our relationships and everything together. (Colossians 1)
  • Be a child of God, rather than following rules. 
  • Walk the walk of a woman who is loved by God and knows who she is! 
  • I love Jesus more than I will love my future husband. He will be grace and a bonus to me. Don't treat any man like he is Jesus. He can't affirm you and love you unconditionally like Christ. Be secure in Christ and draw everything you need from Him.
  • My #1 need is Jesus. 
  • I have nothing to prove.
  • Because Jesus was strong for me, I am free to be weak. The gospel allows us the freedom to admit we are weak.
  • Recalibrate your life. The things you used to value should not matter as much. God should weigh more.

On Celebrating Life and Work
  • "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing." - Helen Keller
  • Be intentional and deliberate about the life God wants you to live. Don't die while you're still alive. Don't lose the twinkle in your eye ;-)
  • Faith is dangerous. Live dangerously. Pursue God and live out His vision for your life!
  • Die doing what you love. Do work that really matters.
  • Some people live in a cage like in Manila Zoo. But some roam the wild and leave the cage behind. Never underestimate someone who has the courage to come out of the cage and live the life God has called him/her to live. 
  • Keep yourself involved in community. 
  • "Oh how much larger our life will be if we become smaller in it." - G.K. Chesterton

On Being Secure, Whole, Complete 
  • Be the person people want to be around. Be so on fire with God that you don't need to draw from others, and you don't need to be clingy or needy.
  • Marriage is about two complete people living under the same roof.
  • Marriage is not a solution for the loneliness in you. God is, and He has given us relationships we need to value.
  • Do you come into a relationship with a big straw to get everything you can from it? Do you suck the life out of a relationship because you're so needy and insecure and need that other person to be so much more to you?
  • "If I don't have this (fill in the blank), life will stop." Is Jesus really the only one you need and want? 

On Emotions and Thoughts
  • If you sow emotionally into a relationship, it will bear fruit. You can't see what's boiling in the pot until you take it off the fire. Assess rationally. 
  • Whatever you sow your thoughts to, your heart will go to. 
  • My heart is the treasure chest of my soul. 
  • I need to guard my heart from my heart. Your heart will pretend to you and lie to you. 
  • You will face the consequences of your decisions.
  • Challenge the patterns in your mind: like men needing a trophy wife or taking too long.
On Relationships
  • The desire for relationships comes from God Himself. 
  • When God created everything, He said it was all good--except it was not good for man to be alone. And this was before the fall. 
  • Single does not have to mean alone. 
  • God values relationships. Relationships should be treasured: seek it out, value it, guard and protect it.
  • God chose to sovereignly intertwine us in relationships. 
  • Treasure the right relationships. Can you tell the difference between the real ones and the fake ones? 
  • God is the best foundation for all relationships. As you seek God, you'll come along people who are passionate about God as well. 
  • Bad foundations are costly. 
  • Value community. Invest time with married women. 
  • Ask yourself if your relationships are honoring God and if you are honoring God in your relationships.
  • Relationships that have a purpose higher than yourself will grow. Relationships for relationship's sake will end. The relationship itself can't be the only goal. Otherwise you'll just clash into each other.
  • What's your focus? Life can't revolve around one person or yourself. Where are you heading? Are you heading the right way? Begin with the end in mind. 
  • Walk together. Agree. Walk together. Agree. Walk together. Agree. (Amos 3:3) Then the relationship can get clearer, stronger, deeper.
  • Love gives. Lust gets. Love trusts, is willing to be vulnerable, corrects, forgives. 
  • There's no perfect relationship because I'm in it!
  • An unforgiving heart is an unloving heart. Unforgiveness will crush you. 
  • Sooner is better than later! 
On the Differences between Men and Women 
  • Guys see things in primary colors. Girls see all the shades and hues, but what we see isn't always what guys see or meant. Plus, most men are color blind. So you'll have to talk about what you see and what it means.
  • Be enamored and mystified that men and women are different instead of trying to make them like us, or trying to be like them. 
  • Women who try to pursue men are taking away their privilege to lead. Don't just look 5-10 years ahead. Look 30-40 years ahead. 
  • If you initiate a little, are you still trusting God? How about fixing your eyes on Jesus instead?  
  • Man tends to man up when he has to step up to the plate. 
  • Accept the differences and glorify God together. 


Out of the Box

I attended my first singles' getaway this weekend. I remember attending a retreat for singles when I was about to graduate from college, but I've never really been involved in singles events. I had a preconceived notion of singles groups and so I was always just involved with the youth, rather than the singles.

But the past weekend and the fun singles' getaway helped me get out of the box. Without my usual group of friends, without any involvement in the event itself, without any idea of what was going to happen or what the place was like, I joined the getaway.

And I am so glad I did something out of the box. Here are some things I did that I would not normally do:
- I worshiped God 360 degrees. Dawn worship was amazing!
- I group hugged 18 people I don't really know for "All Aboard"
- I coached our team during the pipeline activity
- My teammates passed me through the electric fence and all I could do to help was relax and help the others get through
- I tried to jump rope with my team at the same time and stayed in the game even when it was hard
- I had a great time with "MySpace" - from the cheer to the games and the pics on the last day
- I did a solo jump shot (normal for some, but not really for me!)
- I roomed with people I didn't know
- I "bused" with people I didn't know
- I met people left and right and the atmosphere was so friendly. It was so easy to introduce yourself or begin talking to strangers
- I sang and kinda danced (more like watched people dance) and saw how, yet again, church is fun and real and the best place to be
- I was amazed at the detailed planning of our church staff. Great job!

I still love the youth but now I also love the singles. Sometimes, we limit ourselves to what we know, who we hang out with, where we've been, what we have done, what we think we could do, what we think God can or should do (tsk tsk, this is dangerous!). But who invented that box anyway and why do we have to stay in it? I'm thankful for the opportunity to try many new things and meet many new people and see God in new ways!

SO . . . Would you do something to get out of that box you've made for yourself? If you try, you just might become a better and more fun version of you! :-)


Discoveries and Lessons

Coron, Palawan - postcard-worthy
The past three days in Coron have been amazing, fun and relaxing. We have been able to do so much over the weekend. Here are some random thoughts and a sneak peek into our pictures.

  • Maquinit Hot Springs - We saw mangrove trees here, which grow in salt water and sand. It seems unlikely, but they have unique roots that adjust to the environment and let the water flow through them. 
  • Mt. Tapyas - We walked up the mountain (all 724++ steps and back). You see better the higher you go, and the final view is worth the trek! Starting strong is great, but finishing strong is the best. Also trust your tour guide. When he suggested leaving the lodge at 5am to see the sunrise on top of the mountain, I had my doubts. But the second I landed on the highest step of the mountain, I saw a tiny bit of sun that made my day. I also had to sing "Faithful God" under my breath.
    The snippets of the sunrise on the way up Mt. Tapyas
  • Siete Pecados, Malcapuya Beach and Atwayan Coral Garden - I never realized what a great world lives under our world, but I got a peek because I learnt to snorkel. What a view. I saw corals, fish, sea urchin, clams, and plants. And I'm glad dynamite fishing stopped in Palawan a few years ago so the corals can grow again.
  • Cayangan Lake and Blue Lagoon - This area made me appreciate the Philippines even more. God has given us a great, precious land. I even went in a cave inside the lake, thanks to my life vest, friends and reliable guide.
    The view was worth every step!
  • Twin Lagoons - This looked like something out of a movie, with all the limestone and trees growing out of the stone. God can make even trees by/on limestone fruitful and strong!
  • Zipping through Coron Island on our banca reminds me of how great God is, how big the world is and how small I am. Have you ever seen how small Coron Island is on the Philippine map? It's probably not even on the map. But it's big. Maps are helpful but we can't replace the real thing. Visit and enjoy the places God has blessed us with!
  • Malcapuya Beach - I met the man who
    With Lhorris and Charmaine, the mangrove trees are behind us
    owns this island. He bought it as a place to retire forty years ago and the beach is so clean, the water is so clear. He has now retired there with his family. My friends and I spent the day lounging and swimming on their beach.
  • On friends and vacations - God ordains times of rest and reflection so we can appreciate our life more, grow and do things we have never tried before. I'm grateful for the experiences these past few days and I am looking forward to more vacations with more friends! 

"But God made the earth by his power; 
he founded the world by his wisdom and stretched out the heavens by his understanding." 
Jeremiah 10:12


Be Intentional

Two words have been on my mind the last few months: "BE INTENTIONAL." Having experienced what it's like to move to another continent, having adjusted to a new life there, having moved back home after a year, and having the last few months zip my by as I've adjusted to being home . . . I know I just haven't been the same inside. God has done a greater, more transforming work in me that I just can't explain. And one of the greatest lessons is being intentional.

Being intentional about how I love God

Being intentional about spending time with my family

Being intentional about work, preparation and diligence
Katipunan lunch with Elle & Erika

Being intentional about meeting deadlines and fulfilling responsibilities 

Being intentional about maintaining and growing relationships

Being intentional about speaking the truth in love

Being intentional about making new friends

Being intentional about prayer

Being intentional about trying new things

With super great friends! Lhorris, Iya and Dar
Being intentional about money management

Being intentional about studying and growing and learning

Being intentional about serving the church

Being intentional about overlooking offense

Being intentional about forgiveness

Being intentional about trust

Being intentional about restraining my tongue from speaking mindless, careless words
More great friends: Voica, Mel, Pinks and Owie

Being intentional about fearing the Lord and saying no to sin

Being intentional about telling people about Jesus and what He has done for us

Being intentional about discipleship and asking more mature women to speak into my life

Being intentional about sharing my life with people I love 

Being intentional about building with the next generation

Being intentional about my health, my body and my food
More great friends: Owie, Pat, Roel and Karla

Being intentional about what I read, watch, sing, say, think

Being intentional about enjoying life, celebrating each day and smiling amidst varied circumstances 

Being intentional to meditate on the Word every day

More great friends: Dar, Jay, Dennis and Voica
Being intentional about just doing what I need to do every day

When I was much younger, I didn't value intentionality as much. I could do what I wanted, if I wanted, when I wanted. Now I understand that I my time, finances, effort, love should be directed intentionally. It's kinda like walking the dart to the target to make sure nothing is wasted.

Being intentional requires being intentional!


Hong Kong Highlights

Our family spent a weekend in Hong Kong. Here are some of my highlights:

Yummy mochi
10. Trying out random things, like a tea that tasted really bad but the next time I tried a mango shake that was really good! The mochi was really good too. I went back for it the next day. Plus you can buy bubble tea/milk tea almost anywhere.

9. Our hotel--even if we didn't spend much time there. It was really nice!

8. The random restaurant in Mong Kok that had good but cheap food. It was hard to explain your order and talk in Chin-lish but if you want to eat, you just have to try.

7. Walking down Canton Road, Nathan Road, and being able to stop and shop at will. Papa showing us around and being our tour guide.

6. Mama haggling for me so I only have to pay half of what they were asking. Shopping, shopping, shopping.

5. Hong Kong Disneyland! The day was hot and there were too many people, but we all had fun :-)

4. Angela met Rapunzel. And we think it made her trip!

At Mong Kok--Angela didn't want to have her picture anymore
3. The dim sum restaurant we discovered, thanks to our hotel concierge. I love looking for restaurants locals enjoy. We were the only ones there who spoke in English, and I really enjoyed their shrimp siu mai.

2. Coming home with money left over. And I got to buy what I wanted. Woohoo!

1. Being with family! It was the first time Papa, Mama, Bhaya, Melody and Angela were together in one trip out of the country. We sure missed our Nashville family. Of course we won't forget how Papa almost didn't make it to the plane, how we strategized getting into our shuttles every day . . . Fun stuff! I'm thankful for family :-)


Fathers Make All the Difference

Papa has made such a difference in my life. His concern for each child is consistent. He still texts me if he knows it's late at night and I'm still not home. He works hard and does his very, very best to provide for us.
My family (1981). My brothers look like they want to get into a fight.

Growing up, he prioritized taking us on family vacations to Baguio, and he has taken us kids on individual trips. We would go up to Baguio with our snacks of boiled eggs and bread, tea in the thermos, because there were no Select stores or restaurants on NLEX yet. We would stay at Park Hotel and he would watch us play in Burnham Park from the hotel balcony. We would have corn soup in the Chinese restaurant at night, and sleep on the softest pillows I can remember. He would tell us that we would remember these memories and fun times together, and he's right. 

One of my favorite times with Papa was our trip to the US in 1995. I was 15, and it was my first time to go to New York, Washington DC, Miami, Orlando, and LA. He planned everything out, from the Broadway play to Christmas in Disneyland. He even let me persuade him into renting a limo for us in New York, after we watched Phantom, only for me to fall asleep in the limo!

In 1997, we went to India and he took me around Bombay (Mumbai), showing me where he went to school, where they used to live, where he learned to smoke (yikes!), and where he would go when he cut classes.

Nashville with Papa (2011). Lots of LOVE at the Loveless Cafe.
When I was in college, we would celebrate every "A" with a treat. When I was in Nashville, he would always call and check on me. He came to visit me and we had a good time in New York too. Through many, many ups and downs in our family, I've always appreciated the stability he brings in my life. As much as I appreciate my mom, brothers, the rest of our family, my friends, and my mentors, there are times when the only person I really want to talk to is my dad, and then I know I'll be fine. He's almost like my Jethro--he knows what to say, he brings a different perspective into the situation, and he challenges me to do the hard things.

Because he spends time with me and expresses his love often, I know I'm secure and therefore have high standards for myself and of the person I want to marry.

Because of how he protects and cares, I know I don't have to look for it outside the family.

And because of God's faithfulness in our lives, I know the best is yet to come.

Happy Father's Day, Pa! I love you!


Lessons from the Book of Ruth

Around four months ago when I began my transition from Nashville back to Manila, Pastor Bruce Fidler shared with me how he thought of the book of Ruth while praying for me. I've read that book several times since then, but more so in the last few days. Here are some of my lessons from the book, after having read it, studied it, and to a certain extent, seen it in my own life:

Naomi seemed like a victim of her situation because she lost her husband and sons, but she seemingly forgot that she and her family had chosen to leave the Promised Land because of a famine ten years ago. She seemingly forgot that they had disobeyed God. When you sin, choose to turn back to God. Sometimes we hide behind the idea that we are victims, but taking responsibility and walking in faith is always better.

Ruth, on the other hand, was a hard worker and very responsible. She did not choose to be a widow either, but she did choose to stay with her mother-in-law, to go out in the field and work. Even the people who worked for Boaz knew how hard she worked. I don't know how long the barley and wheat harvests take, but everyday during harvest, Ruth kept working faithfully. In the end, Naomi's friends said Ruth was the equivalent of seven sons to Naomi! Boaz was also responsible and he took action. He knew his people and he had noble character. That's why Ruth is remembered, not Orpah; Boaz, not the first kinsman-redeemer.

Though things turned from bad to worse before they got better, the Lord's hand was upon everything that happened. I love how Ruth 2:3 (NIV) says: "As it turned out, she found herself working in a field belonging to Boaz . . ." The HCSB version says: "She happened to be in the portion of land belonging to Boaz . . ." This seems totally random, but it was actually providential. As it turned out, God brought her to where she was really supposed to be. As it turned out, God used Ruth, a Moabite, to become the great-grandmother of King David. As it turned out, Ruth is mentioned in Christ's genealogy, one of only five women in Matthew 1:1-16.

Blessings & Relationships
The book of Ruth is full of blessings. Amidst the famine, deaths, and hopelessness, Naomi blessed Ruth and Orpah. Boaz blessed his workers, Boaz blessed Ruth, Naomi blessed Boaz, and the elders blessed Boaz and his family. This is one of the things I love about Jewish culture, and how God taught His people to bless those around them. I hope I do this more often!

"Chesed" is a new Hebrew word I've learnt from my HCSB Study Bible. It's used several times in the book, but each time it's used, when it's translated in the English language, different words are used to describe it--lovingkindness, faithful love, blessing, and kindness. The Study Bible says "chesed" is "a covenantal term that combines love and faithfulness, mercy and grace--all the positive aspects of committed relationship." As I've meditated on this, I've seen you can pray it over your relationships, asking God to bring everything good for the people you love, and to bless your relationships. What a great word to pray and bless people with!

Boaz was actually the answer to his own prayer for Ruth, when he said: "May the Lord reward you for what you have done, and may you receive a full reward from the Lord God of Israel, under whose wings you have come for refuge" (Ruth 2:13, HCSB). Even though she was a foreigner, her kinsman-redeemer protected and provided for her. Christ is our ultimate Kinsman-Redeemer, and He has delivered us from sin, protects us, and provides for us.

I am amazed at how the book of Ruth simply tells a story, and it's so easy to miss God's hand in it, every step of the way. And when you're still on the journey, you may not completely understand why you lost what you loved, why you need to leave Moab, why you have to glean in the fields, or why you have to go to threshing floor (which is the part in the story I still don't understand), but in the end, you will see that God will use all of that to bless the generations that will come after you and to bring about His divine and eternal purpose in your life.


Feeling Inadequate?

Do you ever get so nervous with this sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach when you have to face something daunting? Like getting up to speak in front of many people, finding the courage to apologize for what you did, or entering a new environment where you don't know anyone?

For the past few days, I have been feeling inadequate. As I work on my thesis proposal and try to finish my Master's degree, as I think of the classes I will be teaching this coming semester, as I volunteer in new areas of ministry, as I do things I haven't ever done, as I ask God to work in me in new and greater ways, I admit I feel inadequate. But I don't think that's a bad place to start.

Feeling inadequate can be pretty normal, I think. I'm sure even presidents and CEOs feel this, wondering why they were chosen to lead or how this ship is going to turn. I believe it's what you do once you realize you can't do this on your own that really matters. Here's what I have found myself doing when I feel inadequate:

Pray! Admit to God that you really can't do it without Him. And ask for His grace, strength, mercy, and wisdom. Remind yourself that this is really not about you.

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
2 Corinthians 12:9,10

Ask people to help you and pray with you. When I didn't think I had the strength, energy, or motivation to work on the second draft of my thesis proposal last Saturday, I asked my mom to pray for me. I told her what I felt, and she encouraged me and made me tea. That always helps! Then there are times when you just need to admit your weakness or something that can get you off-track, "call a friend" and let them know what you are really going through. Humble yourself and ask for help.

One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
Proverbs 18:24

Make the hard choices. Watch a movie or do your thesis proposal? Sleep or prepare for your next big project? Watch TV or write? Facebook or spend time with your family? You know what you need to do, so make the hard choices and go for what is wise. Besides, if you don't choose what's right and hard and wise, you may just look back years from now and see that you are still where you started off. And that's just sad.

The feeling of inadequacy may not completely go away but by the grace of God, you will move forward and do what you need to do. Feelings are just feelings anyway!

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
Psalm 73:26


Believing in Young People

I was 14 when I became a Christian, and served God as a high school and college student. I was involved in church, campus orgs, and everything regular students do. After graduation, I continued to be involved in youth ministry by leading a small group and helping young women know God and walk with Him every day. We've navigated through personal, family, financial, and spiritual concerns and together we've looked to and held on to God's promises in His Word. I've seen many of these young women graduate from high school and even college.

Even with all the changes in my own life in the last few years, though, I always keep going back to serving in the youth ministry, whether I am in Nashville or Manila, Ortigas or Fort Bonifacio, Ateneo or La Salle. I guess it's because people believed in my generation so many years ago, invested in our lives, and helped us grow. I can't help but believe in young people as well, knowing that God has a plan for them and also knowing that the enemy will try to not let that come to pass.

After attending the Ignite conference last week, my passion to see young people serving God is now even stronger. As a small group leader, a university-level teacher, and as someone who got saved as a teenager, I know that God has a great purpose for each young person, and I want to do my part in serving the next generation.

Towards the end of the Ignite conference, Joe Bonifacio reminded the students that they will not always be "the next generation," and that it will be important to pass the baton to those who will come after. I remember when I was the youngest in our small group, the youngest in the ushering ministry, the youngest in so many things. Time does fly and it's really not about how good our generation has been, but whether we have been able to train those who have come after us. And by God's grace, each generation will go from glory to glory, and will do mighty exploits, more than what the previous generation was able to do. 

And yes, even if the young people add "po" in their sentences when they talk to me now, as a sign of respect because I'm older than them, I will not let my age deter me from mentoring, coaching, training, and believing in them. Young people need people they can talk to, exchange ideas with, and people who will just be there for them and point them in the right direction. And for those who are willing, God will help us see the fruit of our labor and the return of our investments, whether that's weekly prioritizing meeting with them, taking time to talk even when it's convenient, and keeping up with their energy level even though you don't have as much left in you.

I believe God is truly raising a new generation of those whose hearts are sold out to Him, and I count it a privilege to be part of this!


Seventeen Years Later

I made a decision to follow Christ on May 27, 1994. I didn't know the full meaning of that decision or prayer, but it was the best decision of my life. There were no tears or mystical moments--just my brother who prayed with me, my pastor who baptized me, and the sand and waves of the Zambales beach. I remember three other significant things that happened that day:

- I got connected to a small group. I learned how to walk with God with mentors and friends.
- I made a commitment to get into the Word. For someone who did not grow up with the Bible, that was life-changing.
- My faith was tested and persecution helped me grow--and quickly!

Thanks to Bhaoo, Pastor Ferdie, Pinky, Jeng, and everyone else who's been part of this journey. As we continue with our Ignite campus conference, I am thankful for being part of a ministry that believes in young people. It's a privilege to continue to help others walk with God and together serving His purpose in our generation. Seventeen years and counting!


Looking Forward to Ignite

As I look forward to our Ignite conference that kicks off with pre-conference meetings tomorrow, I can't help but remember what it was like when I attend a youth conference several years ago. Even as I continue to volunteer in the youth ministry, I know many young people will continue to encounter God and live there lives for Him!

Here's an old post I wrote on Multiply about Campus Harvest (but our Philippine youth conference is now called Ignite)....

When we had our Campus Harvest conference a few years ago in Baguio (May 2004), I had a powerful and unforgettable encounter with God.

It was the last day of the conference, and if you know me, I don’t really cry.  But when I got to my seat and the prayer meeting was about to start (30 minutes before the start of praise and worship), I began to tear, cry, sob . . . I could not understand why except I knew I was encountering God.  I was enjoying being in His Presence and allowing Him to take charge and speak to me.

I cried through praise and worship, but when it got to the offering and the preaching, I began to feel a bit awkward.  Who cries through the offering?  I think Rico preached during that last session (I can’t really remember through the tears), and I went to the back because I felt so embarrassed already.  My friends even thought I was upset at them because I just left them without an explanation and I didn’t want to talk to them.  But I did not know how to explain what was going on.  In my years of walking with God, I had never encountered Him that way and I didn’t know what to do.  I wanted to stay in His Presence and enjoy my time with Him, but I also didn’t know if I was just being weird.  I knew it was different because I was crying until after the conference ended and it was time for lunch.  I left my friends in the restaurant and went back to the room because I needed to process what was going on.

I opened my Bible and continued reading through the book of Psalms.  I kept reading, highlighting, praying, crying, and finally I got to Psalm 16:2, which I continue to remember to this day:

I said to the LORD, 
“You are my Lord;
apart from you I have no good thing.”

This was my declaration.  God has blessed me tremendously and continues to do so, but without Him, I have no good thing.  He is all I need and want.  After approximately 5 hours of crying, I knew God had done something powerful in my life that day.  He was reinforcing who He was in my life and He asked me to trust Him like no other.  He asked me to love Him like no other.  I recommitted my life to Him and asked for Him to be at the very center of my life.

Since that time, many things have happened—traveling to new places, changing jobs, expanding ministry involvements and responsibilities—but I look back at that time and know that God sealed Himself in my heart that day.  I didn’t expect Him to show up the way He did, but I am so glad He reveals Himself in ways we do not understand or can imagine.  I don’t always cry during praise and worship even to this day, but I know that He meets me where I am and I can encounter Him every day.  I am a different person after having encountered Him.  Seeking Him and serving Him is the best thing I could ever do with my life, and I am excited to encounter Him in new ways!

Here is a picture of some of my friends
who were with me at Campus Harvest 2004



Thoughts from an Amateur Thesis Writer

I'm doing my thesis proposal for my Master's degree in English Language and Literature Teaching in the Ateneo de Manila University. Here are some thoughts from this amateur thesis writer:

1. Don't be intimidated by the big words. Other writers just use them to impress and daunt you.

2. When you feel like taking a nap instead of writing and researching, write and research first, then go to bed later--who needs that nap anyway? Or better yet, work as far away from the bed as you can...

3. Do what works best for you. If it's old school note cards and photocopying many pages at the library, go for it! And thank God for Google!

4. Sugar and caffeine are your friends.

5. Connect with friends and family, and ask them for your help.

6. When you hit a wall, pray, open a book, and scream. Maybe in that order.

7. Having a notebook for random notes works. That way not much else gets lost.

8. Play hard, work hard. Manicure and pedicure, see you tomorrow!


Every day should be Mother's Day...

My mom is an avid fan of not just celebrating when it's a special day but showing appreciation every day of the year. Just like how we should celebrate Christ's birth and resurrection every day (not just during Christmas or Easter), she'd love for every day to be Mother's Day. And though as a daughter I try to appreciate her every day (and Papa too not just on Father's Day), here's something special for you this weekend, Mom! I am thankful I get to celebrate Mother's Day with you this year.

Mama, thank you for always being accommodating, loving, and kind. Thanks for serving us, for all the yummy food you make, and for teaching me to cook. Thanks for waking up early in the morning and getting me water late at night. Thanks for being willing to do anything for each of your children. Thanks for praying for all of us every day, including the future members of our family! Thanks for supporting me in my phases and seasons in life. Thanks for all the trips we've taken together and all the fun we've had. Thanks for all the laughter and maasti (mischief). Thanks for being my mom, but also for being my dearest friend and encourager. 

I love you! 
Every day really should be Mother's Day!


Social Media Etiquette

Whether we like it or not, Facebook, Twitter and all kinds of social media are changing the way we interact. Some in good ways, some in...well, deteriorating ways. Here are some of my thoughts on social media etiquette:
  • Not everything in my life is worthy of a status update or tweet. I try to weigh whether I should post something or not. If it's too personal, emotional or upsetting, I just don't. 
  • When you're upset, please don't vent online. Figure things out offline. Use social media to make friends, not lose them...
  • It's ok to unfriend or unfollow people if you don't like what people say. 
  • Online contact is not a substitute for real life. I can't replace authentic relationships with those online, even though I appreciate staying connected with friends and family from all over. 
  • If you're not my friend in real life, please don't assume we're friends online, even though I accepted you as a "friend"--some seem more like stalkers! Others may be ok with getting to know strangers online, but sorry, I'm not one of them. 
  • Comment wisely. Especially now that you can comment on Facebook by clicking enter, be careful what you say! 
  • Tag carefully. I've unfriended several people because they unnecessarily tag or overdo their business advertising. 
  • You can choose what information is visible on your Facebook wall. I've chosen to not show whose wall, pictures, or statuses I've commented on, or to show who I've just become friends with. I don't think y'all need to know that! 
  • You're your own brand. What you say, how you say it and what you post are a reflection of you, visible to the worldwide web. Try to make a good impression and use social media well, please? 
Note: These are my personal opinions, and I am not trying to respond to someone's recent post, blog or tweet...!


Lessons from a Cross Stitcher

I recently revived my long-forgotten hobby of cross stitching. I used to do this back in high school, but thanks to my friends Macy and Mia, I am doing it again. Here are some random thoughts on cross stitching and how I've seen it apply to life in general:
  • The pattern can be overwhelming. So stick to figuring it out one stitch at a time, one color at a time. Our lives can get overwhelming, maybe that's why God reveals things one day, one season at a time?
  • Cross stitching can be addicting. Like many things, a hobby can turn into an obsession. So I have to be careful to know when to put it aside. Kinda like games on your phone or iPad, TV and being online.
  • Mistakes are inevitable. You can take the easy route and cover them up, or you can do it the right way: Go back and correct your mistakes.
  • The hardest parts come out the most beautiful: like the gold thread that I had to use to make the little girl's dress. The thread felt like a thin piece of wire that was so difficult to stitch. But sometimes it's the hardest parts of life that make us the most beautiful.
  • These things take time. Even if I have been working on it for hours in my spare time, I have a lot further to go. Same thing about my thesis for my master's degree and so many other things that are pending!
  • I revived my "cross stitch career" because my friends invited me to join their cross stitch get-togethers. So when I will get to the boring parts of my design, I know I will get through it because of them, our talks and our meriendas together. Friends make everything more fun anyway, right? 
  • Cross stitching reminds me of the Victorian era, when people didn't have all the evening entertainment or ability to do whatever they wanted. They took pleasure in simple things, like sewing in the evening while someone reads by the fire or plays for everyone. I don't want to forget how to enjoy the simplest things. 
Oh, and it's a pleasure to see what you make become prettier and more complete day by day. Maybe that's how God feels about us? :-)


First Week Back Home

Here are some of what's happened in the one week I have been back home!

- Was greeted by family whom I have not seen in months/more than a year
- Got sick and got well
- Went to the Victory services in Ortigas and Pioneer
- Saw and caught up with friends: Charis, Jan, Chryso, Jiji, Voica, Macy, Iya, Pinky, Lhorris and more!
- Celebrated Angela's 4th birthday in her school. She is so cute and growing up so fast
- Visited Ateneo (where I studied and taught)
- Went shopping with Mama
- Had dinner at the Mumars' after such a long time, and saw Lorenzo and Mateo
- Saw friends at the Fort (where I used to work) and had lunch out, just like before (new place, new faces, same kind of fun)
- Attended the youth service in Ortigas (memories!) and had dinner after
- Did not get attacked by jetlag, thank you very much
- Driving around the city as usual

The first week has been great and I can't wait to see what's next...Hopefully more fun, more time to rest and more time to figure out all God has in store for me here!


Being Thankful

A lot of times, it's so easy to look at what we don't have, what we want, and how we want life to go. But every day that passes and every moment God gives us is truly something to be thankful for.

I'm a firm believer in celebrating life every day, and that's why I don't really like Valentine's Day (that's not the only day you show how much you love someone), or just being thankful during Thanksgiving, or appreciating someone only on their birthday. Relationships are meant to be valued and appreciated, and there is much to thank God for, like:

1. My family. My morning begins with a phone call from Mama, and I can definitely feel my family's love from 8,000 miles away. The rest of my family is right here in Nashville, and they are a tremendous blessing too.

2. My friends...old and new, in Nashville and Manila. "No man is a failure who has friends." I am grateful to have friends I can just hang out with, take road trips with, talk to for no real urgent reason...And even though most of my friends are so far away I am grateful God has preserved and further developed these friendships in special ways. Relationships are great blessings and cultivating these will always be a blessing.

3. My church and spiritual family. I have shared my testimony a lot lately, and I know I would not be where I am without my spiritual family. I am grateful to have people I can run to, or call via long-distance, no matter what.

Here in Nashville, God is doing great things, and I am excited to see all He has in store. I also love working for the church and serving God's people with some of the best people I've ever met. I am also really enjoying our youth ministry and leading a group of young girls.

4. My home. I love the peace and quiet of my home, fixing it the way I want to, and enjoying God's blessings every day. I am grateful for the experience of running a home and living independently.

5. My health. Sometimes we don't understand what a great blessing good health is until you get sick, have an accident or are faced with a test you never knew you would have to take, and are suddenly claiming all the healing verses you know of. I am also grateful to have 8 hours of good, restful sleep every night! Thank you, God, for good health!

6. My God. He is faithful, He is sovereign, and He is good. He does things the way He wants to, and He deserves to be trusted always. He made us the way He wanted us to be, and we live for His glory no matter what.

Every day is an opportunity to know God more, to walk with Him more, to make Him known and to rest in Him.

For all this, I am grateful.


Shabbat Shalom

I just had my first Shabbat dinner and I am so grateful for the experience. Aside from reading the Bible and watching Fiddler on the Roof, I do not really know much about Jewish culture. But tonight was just amazing altogether. It may not have been the super traditional dinner and we may not have said all the prayers correctly, but it was pleasing to God and it was relaxing to my soul.

Thank you to the Chapmans and everyone who was there, and to Rafi who explained what the parts of the prayers and meal mean. Thanks, Marlene, for the great and filling meal and for hosting all of us.

Here are some of my thoughts about Shabbat and tonight's experience:
  • Shabbat is a time to put aside the past week and enter God's rest. It's a time to enjoy, to quiet one's self and to refocus on God. We all need that, every week. Too often, I bring the burdens of the week into the weekend, and I realize now, that's just not the way God intended it. 
  • Taking time to stop, pause, remember, recalibrate, realign, refocus -- we all need that -- God knew we would need that. Hence the Sabbath.
  • I love how the Jews take time to bless their spouses and children and to say special prayers for them. I read before about how the Jews are so blessed because they speak blessings over their families all the time. Too often when we focus on the things that are wrong in our loved ones, we end up criticizing when we should be blessing, getting frustrated when we should be appreciating.
  • What we did as we shared the bread and the juice or wine was to take communion together, and it's about what Christ has already done for us. I love how Jesus was at the center of our Shabbat dinner.
  • Real community is possible, and it's such a great blessing -- sharing, talking, laughing, and getting serious all at the same time. 
  • As we worshiped God at the dinner table it reminded me not to take God and his grace and mercy for granted. It also made me want so many others to experience the same thing we have.
  • The weekend has not even begun and I already feel so refreshed, and my "energy tank" got filled up so much and I did not even know it was that empty! 
  • Understanding Shabbat is so crucial in our relationship with God, why He ordained it and how we are to practice it -- not with legalism but knowing it's for our benefit, that Shabbat was made for us. 
Shabbat Shalom!