But the premise of the film is that we take advantage of young people for our own benefit and entertainment, and that just does not sit well with me. Targeting the 12-18 age bracket and putting them in harmful and hurtful situations just so people can be entertained is sick--and yet the movie portrays this so well that I enjoyed seeing how the story progressed. I don't recommend it for children or young teens, actually, and I was saddened by several parts of the film.
But I liked Katniss's character so much simply because she showed a depth of character even in the worst situations. She reflected courage, perseverance and values that only grew stronger with every challenge.
So yes--I really do have mixed feelings about the film. I'm glad I watched it and I'm glad I know what it's about, but I don't really want to read the books. The underlying theme of sacrificing for the sake of others' entertainment was just too twisted. I think the highlight for me was watching it with two of my best friends in the world!