
Seventeen Years Later

I made a decision to follow Christ on May 27, 1994. I didn't know the full meaning of that decision or prayer, but it was the best decision of my life. There were no tears or mystical moments--just my brother who prayed with me, my pastor who baptized me, and the sand and waves of the Zambales beach. I remember three other significant things that happened that day:

- I got connected to a small group. I learned how to walk with God with mentors and friends.
- I made a commitment to get into the Word. For someone who did not grow up with the Bible, that was life-changing.
- My faith was tested and persecution helped me grow--and quickly!

Thanks to Bhaoo, Pastor Ferdie, Pinky, Jeng, and everyone else who's been part of this journey. As we continue with our Ignite campus conference, I am thankful for being part of a ministry that believes in young people. It's a privilege to continue to help others walk with God and together serving His purpose in our generation. Seventeen years and counting!


Looking Forward to Ignite

As I look forward to our Ignite conference that kicks off with pre-conference meetings tomorrow, I can't help but remember what it was like when I attend a youth conference several years ago. Even as I continue to volunteer in the youth ministry, I know many young people will continue to encounter God and live there lives for Him!

Here's an old post I wrote on Multiply about Campus Harvest (but our Philippine youth conference is now called Ignite)....

When we had our Campus Harvest conference a few years ago in Baguio (May 2004), I had a powerful and unforgettable encounter with God.

It was the last day of the conference, and if you know me, I don’t really cry.  But when I got to my seat and the prayer meeting was about to start (30 minutes before the start of praise and worship), I began to tear, cry, sob . . . I could not understand why except I knew I was encountering God.  I was enjoying being in His Presence and allowing Him to take charge and speak to me.

I cried through praise and worship, but when it got to the offering and the preaching, I began to feel a bit awkward.  Who cries through the offering?  I think Rico preached during that last session (I can’t really remember through the tears), and I went to the back because I felt so embarrassed already.  My friends even thought I was upset at them because I just left them without an explanation and I didn’t want to talk to them.  But I did not know how to explain what was going on.  In my years of walking with God, I had never encountered Him that way and I didn’t know what to do.  I wanted to stay in His Presence and enjoy my time with Him, but I also didn’t know if I was just being weird.  I knew it was different because I was crying until after the conference ended and it was time for lunch.  I left my friends in the restaurant and went back to the room because I needed to process what was going on.

I opened my Bible and continued reading through the book of Psalms.  I kept reading, highlighting, praying, crying, and finally I got to Psalm 16:2, which I continue to remember to this day:

I said to the LORD, 
“You are my Lord;
apart from you I have no good thing.”

This was my declaration.  God has blessed me tremendously and continues to do so, but without Him, I have no good thing.  He is all I need and want.  After approximately 5 hours of crying, I knew God had done something powerful in my life that day.  He was reinforcing who He was in my life and He asked me to trust Him like no other.  He asked me to love Him like no other.  I recommitted my life to Him and asked for Him to be at the very center of my life.

Since that time, many things have happened—traveling to new places, changing jobs, expanding ministry involvements and responsibilities—but I look back at that time and know that God sealed Himself in my heart that day.  I didn’t expect Him to show up the way He did, but I am so glad He reveals Himself in ways we do not understand or can imagine.  I don’t always cry during praise and worship even to this day, but I know that He meets me where I am and I can encounter Him every day.  I am a different person after having encountered Him.  Seeking Him and serving Him is the best thing I could ever do with my life, and I am excited to encounter Him in new ways!

Here is a picture of some of my friends
who were with me at Campus Harvest 2004



Thoughts from an Amateur Thesis Writer

I'm doing my thesis proposal for my Master's degree in English Language and Literature Teaching in the Ateneo de Manila University. Here are some thoughts from this amateur thesis writer:

1. Don't be intimidated by the big words. Other writers just use them to impress and daunt you.

2. When you feel like taking a nap instead of writing and researching, write and research first, then go to bed later--who needs that nap anyway? Or better yet, work as far away from the bed as you can...

3. Do what works best for you. If it's old school note cards and photocopying many pages at the library, go for it! And thank God for Google!

4. Sugar and caffeine are your friends.

5. Connect with friends and family, and ask them for your help.

6. When you hit a wall, pray, open a book, and scream. Maybe in that order.

7. Having a notebook for random notes works. That way not much else gets lost.

8. Play hard, work hard. Manicure and pedicure, see you tomorrow!


Every day should be Mother's Day...

My mom is an avid fan of not just celebrating when it's a special day but showing appreciation every day of the year. Just like how we should celebrate Christ's birth and resurrection every day (not just during Christmas or Easter), she'd love for every day to be Mother's Day. And though as a daughter I try to appreciate her every day (and Papa too not just on Father's Day), here's something special for you this weekend, Mom! I am thankful I get to celebrate Mother's Day with you this year.

Mama, thank you for always being accommodating, loving, and kind. Thanks for serving us, for all the yummy food you make, and for teaching me to cook. Thanks for waking up early in the morning and getting me water late at night. Thanks for being willing to do anything for each of your children. Thanks for praying for all of us every day, including the future members of our family! Thanks for supporting me in my phases and seasons in life. Thanks for all the trips we've taken together and all the fun we've had. Thanks for all the laughter and maasti (mischief). Thanks for being my mom, but also for being my dearest friend and encourager. 

I love you! 
Every day really should be Mother's Day!


Social Media Etiquette

Whether we like it or not, Facebook, Twitter and all kinds of social media are changing the way we interact. Some in good ways, some in...well, deteriorating ways. Here are some of my thoughts on social media etiquette:
  • Not everything in my life is worthy of a status update or tweet. I try to weigh whether I should post something or not. If it's too personal, emotional or upsetting, I just don't. 
  • When you're upset, please don't vent online. Figure things out offline. Use social media to make friends, not lose them...
  • It's ok to unfriend or unfollow people if you don't like what people say. 
  • Online contact is not a substitute for real life. I can't replace authentic relationships with those online, even though I appreciate staying connected with friends and family from all over. 
  • If you're not my friend in real life, please don't assume we're friends online, even though I accepted you as a "friend"--some seem more like stalkers! Others may be ok with getting to know strangers online, but sorry, I'm not one of them. 
  • Comment wisely. Especially now that you can comment on Facebook by clicking enter, be careful what you say! 
  • Tag carefully. I've unfriended several people because they unnecessarily tag or overdo their business advertising. 
  • You can choose what information is visible on your Facebook wall. I've chosen to not show whose wall, pictures, or statuses I've commented on, or to show who I've just become friends with. I don't think y'all need to know that! 
  • You're your own brand. What you say, how you say it and what you post are a reflection of you, visible to the worldwide web. Try to make a good impression and use social media well, please? 
Note: These are my personal opinions, and I am not trying to respond to someone's recent post, blog or tweet...!