I'm a firm believer in celebrating life every day, and that's why I don't really like Valentine's Day (that's not the only day you show how much you love someone), or just being thankful during Thanksgiving, or appreciating someone only on their birthday. Relationships are meant to be valued and appreciated, and there is much to thank God for, like:

2. My friends...old and new, in Nashville and Manila. "No man is a failure who has friends." I am grateful to have friends I can just hang out with, take road trips with, talk to for no real urgent reason...And even though most of my friends are so far away I am grateful God has preserved and further developed these friendships in special ways. Relationships are great blessings and cultivating these will always be a blessing.
3. My church and spiritual family. I have shared my testimony a lot lately, and I know I would not be where I am without my spiritual family. I am grateful to have people I can run to, or call via long-distance, no matter what.
Here in Nashville, God is doing great things, and I am excited to see all He has in store. I also love working for the church and serving God's people with some of the best people I've ever met. I am also really enjoying our youth ministry and leading a group of young girls.
4. My home. I love the peace and quiet of my home, fixing it the way I want to, and enjoying God's blessings every day. I am grateful for the experience of running a home and living independently.
5. My health. Sometimes we don't understand what a great blessing good health is until you get sick, have an accident or are faced with a test you never knew you would have to take, and are suddenly claiming all the healing verses you know of. I am also grateful to have 8 hours of good, restful sleep every night! Thank you, God, for good health!
6. My God. He is faithful, He is sovereign, and He is good. He does things the way He wants to, and He deserves to be trusted always. He made us the way He wanted us to be, and we live for His glory no matter what.
Every day is an opportunity to know God more, to walk with Him more, to make Him known and to rest in Him.
For all this, I am grateful.